Philippe BARBEY - Bibliography

Alston J.P, Aguirre B.E., Congregational Size and The Decline of Sectarian Commitment : The Case of the Jehovah's Witnesses in South and North America, Sociological Analysis 40(1), pp. 63-70,1979.
- Organizational Change and Religious Commitment. Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists in Cuba, 1938-1965, Pacific Sociological Review 23(2), pp.171-197, 1980.


Amnesty International Briefing, Malawi, Briefing Paper 5, Amnesty International Publications, London, 1976.


Assimeng J.M., Sectarian Allegiance and Political Authority : The Watch Tower Society in Zambia, 1907-1935, Journal of Modern African Studies, 8(1), pp. 97-112, 1970.


Barber H.W., Religious Liberty vs. Police Power : Jehovah's Witnesses, American Political Science Review, 41(1947), pp. 266-347, 1947.

Barbey Ph., Jehovah's Witnesses : a sociological definition, Sociological Focus, November 2019.

-, Jehovah's Witnesses : Between Tradition and Modernity, pp. 93-111, in The Jehovah's Witnesses in scholarly perspective : What is new in the scientific study of the movement ?, Acta Comparanda, Subsidia III, Faculty for Comparative Study of Religions and Humanism, Antwerpen/Anvers, Belgium/Belgique, April 2016.

-, Jehovah's Witnesses and Excommunication : Victims or culprits ?, Sociological Focus, April 2021.

Beckford J. A., The trumpet of prophecy : a sociological study of Jehovah's witnesses, Oxford, Blackwell, 1975.

-, Organization, Ideology and Recruitment : The Structure of the Watch Tower Movement,
Sociological Review 23(4), pp. 893-909, 1975a.

-, The Watchtower Movement World-Wide, Social Compass 24(1), 1977, pp. 5-31.

-, Accounting for Conversion, British Journal of Sociology 29(2), 1978a, pp. 249-262.

-, Sociological stereotypes of the religious sect, Sociological Review 26(1), 1978b, pp.109-123.


Bergman J., Jehovah's Witnesses. A Comprehensive and Selectively Annotated Bibliography, Westport, Greenwood Press, 1999.


Bram J., Jehovah's Witnesses and the Values of American Culture, Transactions of the New York Academy of Science 19(1), pp. 47-53,1956.


Burkholder J. R., "The Law Knows No Heresy": Marginal Religious Movements and the Courts, Religious Movements in Contemporary America, I. Zaretsky & M.P. Leone (éd.), pp 27-36, Princeton, Princeton University Press,1974.


Botting Gary, Fundamental Freedoms and Jehovah's Witnesses, Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 1993.


Botting H., Botting Gary, The Orwellian world of Jehovah's Witnesses, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1984.


Cohn W., Jehovah's Witnesses as a Proletarian Movement, The American Scholar 24(3), pp. 281-298, 1955.


Chryssides G., Historical Dictionary of Jehovah's Witnesses, Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements, Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series, July 2008.

- Jehovah's Witnesses: Continuity and Change, Ashgate, New Religions, Dec 2015.


Cooper L. R., "Publish or Perish": Negro Jehovah's Witness Adaptation to the Getto, Religious Movements in Contemporary America, I. Zaretsky & M.P. Leone (éditeurs), pp. 700-721, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1974.


Côté P., Richardson J. T., Disciplined Litigation, Vigilant Litigation, and Deformation: Dramatic Organisational Change in Jehovah’s Witnesses, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40(1), pp.11-25, 2001.


European Court of Human Rights, INFORMATION NOTE No. 86 - TABLE DES MATIÈRES - ARTICLE 9 – Levying of tax on donations made to an association of Jehovah’s Witnesses: communicated. ASSOCIATION LES TÉMOINS DE JÉHOVAH - France (No 8916/05) [Section II] - Provisional version / version provisoire - May / mai 2006.


Crompton Robert, Counting the Days to Armageddon: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Second Coming, Cambridge, James Clarke & Co., 1996.


Cronn-Mills D., A Quantitative Analysis of the Jehovah's Witnesses: The Rhetoric, Reality and Religion in the Watchtower Society, New York, Edwin Mellen Press, 1999.


Cross S., Social History and Millennial Movements: The Watch Tower in South Central Afrika, Social Compass, 24(1), pp.183-95, 1977.


Cunnison I., A Watchtower Assembly in Central Afrika, The International Review of Missions 41, pp. 456-469, 1951.


Curry M. D., Jehovah's Witnesses: The Millenarian World of the Watch Tower, New York, Garland Publishing, 1992.


Czatt M. S., The international Bible students Jehova's witnesses, Scottsdale, Pa., Mennonite Press, 1933.


Davis J., Snyder Gehman H., The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, Londres et New York, Collin’s Clear – Type Press, 1944, pp. 101, 287, 462.


Daily Times, Nigeria, 4 avril 1950.


Dillard I., "The Flag Salute Cases", Quarrels That Have Shaped the Constitution, John A. Garraty (éd.), New York, Harper & Row, 1987.


Dobbelaere K., Wilson B., Jehovah's Witnesses in a Catholic country. A Survey of Nine Belgian Congregations, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 50(1), pp. 89-110, 1980.


Epstein A.L., The Millennium and the Self : Jehovah's Witnesses on the Copperbelt in the '50s.,
Anthropos 81, pp. 529-554, 1986.


Hesse H., Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses During the Nazi-Regime, English translation, Bremen, Edition Temmen, 2001.


Hodges T., Jehovah's Witnesses in Africa, London, Minority Rights Group, 1985 (édition mise à jour de Jehovah's Witnesses in Central Africa, 1976).


Holden A., Jehovah's Witnesses. Portrait of a contemporary religious movement, Londres, Routledge, 2002.

Hooker J.R., Witnesses and Watchtower in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, Journal of African History, 6(1), pp. 91-106, 1965.


Jubber K., The Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Southern Africa, Social Compass 24(1), pp.121-134, 1977.


Kaplan William J.S.D, State and Salvation: The Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Fight for Civil Rights, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, ISBN 0-8020-5842-6, 1989.


King Ch., Strategies for Survival: An Examination of the History of Five Christian Sects in Germany 1933-45, Journal of Contemporary History 14(2), pp. 211-234, 1979.

-, Some Lesser-Known Victims of Totalitarian Persecution, Patterns of Prejudice 16(2), pp.15-26, 1982.

-, Strategies for Survival: Sectarian Experience in the Third Reich, Of Gods and Men. New Religious Movements in the West, Eileen Barker (éd.), Mercer GA, Mercer University Press, pp. 239-253, 1983.

-, Jehovah's Witnesses under Nazism, A Mosaic of Victims, Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis, Michael Berenbaum (éd.), New York, 1990.


Kosmin B.A., Lachman S.P., One Nation under God. Religion in Contemporary American Society, New York, Harmony Books, 1993.


Lawson R., Sect-State Relations: Accounting for the Differing Trajectories of Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, Sociology of Religion, 56(4), pp. 351-378, 1995.


Leman J., Jehovah's Witnesses and Immigration in Continental Western Europe, Social Compass 24(1), pp. 41-72, 1979.

-, The Italo-Brussels Jehovah's Witnesses Revisited : From First-generation Religious Fundamentalism to Ethno-religious Community Formation, Social Compass, 45(2), pp. 219-226, 1998.


Liebster S., Facing the Lion. Memoirs of a Young Girl in Nazi Europe, Grammaton Press, New Orleans, 2000.


Long N., Social Change and the Individual : A study of the Social and Religious Responses to Innovation in a Zambian rural community, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1968.


MacLeod J. M., The Sources and Structures of Authority among Jehovah's Witnesses: A Contemporary Survey, North American Religion, A Publication of the Centre for the Study of North American Religion at the University of Lethbridge 4, pp. 84-113, 1995.


Maesen W., La Fave L., The Jehovah's Witnesses Today: A Study by Participant Observation, Proceedings of the Southwestern Sociological Society 9 (April), pp.102-104, 1960.


Maesen W.A., Watchtower Influences on Black Muslim Eschatology, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 9(4), pp. 321-325, 1970.


Mann B., The Great Crowd: Ethnography of Jehovah's Witnesses, The Cultural Experience, Ethnography in Complex Societies, S.R. Spradley & D.W. McCurdy (éd.), pp. 157-168, Chicago, Science Research Associates, 1972.


Manwaring D. R., Render Unto Caesar : The Flag Salute Controversy, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1962.


Melton, J. G., Jehovah's Witnesses, Encyclopaedia of American Religions, (Fifth edition), Gale Research, Washington DC., pp. 525-526, 1996.


Munters Q.J., Recruitment as a Vocation: The Case of Jehovah's Witnesses, Sociologie Neerlandica, Vol 7, pp 88-100, 1971.

-, Recruitment and serious candidates, Social Compass 24(1), pp. 59-69, 1977.


Newton M.O., Armed with the Constitution : Jehovah's Witnesses in Alabama and the US Supreme Court, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, 1995.


Norman Eddy G., The Plough Publishing House, Ashton Keynes, Wilts, 1939, pp. 52, 53.

-, Journal of Bible and Religions, avril 1958.


Penton M. J., Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada : Champions of Freedom of Speech and Worship, Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, 1976.

-,  Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular State : A Historical Analysis of Doctrine, Journal of Church and State 21, pp. 55-72, 1979.

-, Apocalypse delayed : The story of Jehovah's Witnesses, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1985.
-, A Reprint of a Foundational Document of the Jehovah's Witnesses (1877) "The Object and Manner of Our Lord's Return" by C.T. Russell, North American Religion, A Publication of the Centre for the Study of North American Religion at the University of Lethbridge 1, pp.76-126, 1992.

-, The Jehovah's Witnesses: A Bibliographical Essay of Recent Books in English, North American Religion, A Publication of the Centre for the Study of North American Religion at the University of Lethbridge 2, pp. 95-133, 1993.


Peters S. F., Judging Jehovah's Witnesses. Religious Persecution and the Dawn of the Rights Revolution, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, 2000.


Poewe K. O., Religion, matriliny and change : Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists in Luapula, Zambia, in American Ethnologist, 5(2),1978, pp. 311-313.


Quick G., Some aspects of the African Watch Tower Movement in Northern Rhodesia, The International Review of Missions, (Vol. 29), no. 66, 1940.


Richardson A., A Dictionary of Christian Theology, 1969, p. 95.


Scheuch K., Jehovah's Witnesses' Request for Recognition as a Corporation under Public Law in Germany: Background, Current Status, and Empirical Aspects, Journal of Church and State 43(1), pp. 35-48, Zürich, Edition Interfrom, 2001, pp 95-210.


Shepperson G., Nyasaland and the Millennium, Studies in Revolutionary Religious Movements, S. Thrupp, S. (éd), pp. 144-159, New York, Shocken Books, 1970.


Smith C., The persecution of West Virginia Jehovah's Witnesses and the Expansion of Legal Protection for Religious Liberty, Journal of Church and State 43(3), pp. 539-578, 2001.


Singelenberg R., "It separated the wheat from the chaff": the "1975" prophecy and its impact among Dutch Jehovah's Witnesses, Sociological Analysis, 50, pp. 23-40, 1988.


Stark R., Iannacconne L., Why the Jehovah's Witnesses Grow so Rapidly: A Theoretical Application, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 12(2), pp.133-156, 1997.


Stroup H. H. , The Jehovah's Witnesses, Russell & Russell, New York, 1967. [original edition of 1945 reprinted, Columbia University Press, New York].


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Jehovah's Witnesses: Victims of the Nazi Era 1933-1945, Washington DC.,1995.


Wah C. R., Jehovah's Witnesses and the Responsibility of Religious Freedom : The European Experience, Journal of Church and State, 43(3), pp. 579-601, 2001a.

-, An Introduction to Research and Analysis of Jehovah's witnesses: A View From the Watchtower, Review of Religious Research 43(2), pp.161-174, 2001b.


Waite E. F., The Debt of Constitutional Law to Jehovah's Witnesses, Minnesota Law Review, 28 (Mars), p. 246, 1944.


Weddle D. L., A New Generation of Jehovah's Witnesses: Revised Interpretation, Ritual, and Identity, Nova Religio 3(2), pp. 350-367, 2000.


Whalen W.J., Armageddon around the Corner, New York, John Day (Ed.), 1962.


White T., A People for His Name: A History of Jehovah's Witnesses and an Evaluation, New York, Vantage Press, 1967.


Wilson Bryan R., When Prophecy Failed, New Society, 43 (January 26)18-34.I, 1968.

-, Jehovah's Witnesses in Afrika, New Society 25 (July 12)73-75, 1973.

-, Jehovah's Witnesses in Kenya, Journal of Religion in Africa, 5( 2)128-149, 1973.

-, Aspects of Kinship and the Rise of Jehovah's Witnesses in Japan, Social Compass 24(1)97-   120,1977.
Social Compass, International Review of Socio-Religious Studies, Vol. 24, 1977/1, page 102.

-, The Social Dimensions of Sectarianism. [Chapitres 7, 8 & 9], Oxford, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0198273460, 1990.

-, Les sectes issues du protestantisme, in Encyclopédie des religions, sous la Direction de Lenoir F. et Tardan-Masquelier Y., tome 1, Paris Editions Bayard, 1997, pp. 645-658.


Yonan G., Spiritual Resistance of Christian Conviction in Nazi Germany: The Case of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Journal of Church and State 41(2), pp. 307-322, 1999.


Zellner W.,  Kephart  W., Extraordinary Groups : Jehovah's Witnesses, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1994.


Zygmunt J. F., Jehovah's Witnesses in the USA : 1942-1976, Social Compass 24(1), pp. 44-57, 1977.


Zylberberg, J., The Regulation by religion of nature and the body, Social Compass, 43(1),1996, pp. 67-80. 






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